November Newsletter

November 2022

In Their Own Words…

Why These Sales Professionals Love Selling Hyundai.

To be a great salesperson, you must love what you do and love what you sell. Our dealers, and their teams, are the key to our success and growth. So, we reached out to sales personnel in the field and asked them why they love selling Hyundai forklifts.

Geoff Brisson

Geoff Brisson, a 30-year industry veteran and the Sales Manager at A.M.B. Lift, Inc., in Ottawa, Ontario, explains it this way:

“I love selling the Hyundai forklift line because of the consistency, quality, and reliability of the product. Customers are always very impressed with how the equipment performs, how smooth the hydraulics are and with the overall experience when operating the lift truck. In my experience, if you put an operator in the seat of a Hyundai forklift truck, they will buy it. The overall buying experience is positive and in today’s market, with so many competitive brands in the market to choose from, customers will come back and purchase another Hyundai forklift.”

Jeff Sega

Jeff Sega
, spells his first name differently, but as Territory Manager for BMH – Buffalo Materials Handling – headquartered in Rochester, NY, he also focuses on performance when explaining why he loves selling Hyundai forklifts:

“The trucks have performed well in the field over the last 7 years. There are more options included as standard than our competitors which is appealing to customers. The 3 year / 4000 hr. standard warranty is attractive to moderate use customers in our market because it is essentially a 3-year warranty. It’s a sharp looking forklift.”


If you’re a salesperson, feel free to share with us why you love selling Hyundai forklifts and we may share your thoughts with our organization. Just send your message to your District Sales Manager.

In the meantime, here’s the best advice Geoff and Jeff offer to new sales reps:

Geoff: “Know your products well. Take the time to learn it. LISTEN to your customers and know your competition.”

Jeff: “Learn to walk before you run. Be genuine. Be yourself.”

That’s great advice and we thank Geoff and Jeff for helping to grow the Hyundai brand.