This symbol replaces the familiar triangles.  Where once our symbol pointed up, now it points forward, capturing our mission of forging ahead helping to create a better, more efficient, productive, and sustainable world. 

The three greens in the symbol stand for Heritage, Prosperity, and Eco Sustainability.


It stands for Human Dynamics, an idea that defines our goal of helping individuals achieve their goals. By helping people reach their full potential, we can help our customers – and their customers – succeed, maximizing their efficiency, productivity, and profitability.


Ultimately, what we provide to you and to your customers are solutions to the challenges of competing in an ever more competitive world. Finding those solutions and engineering them into the world’s best equipment is how Hyundai is working to change the world for the better – for all of us.


We will continue to showcase what we manufacture and what market we serve. Building the best, most innovative, economical, and efficient forklifts is what we’ve done since our inception, and it is what we will continue to do to meet your needs and the needs of your customers.