January Newsletter

January 2023

Southeast Culvert Is a Satisfied Customer. It’s News You Should Share.

Hyunday Reviews

Southeast Culvert, Inc., the leader in storm drainage products, operates America’s largest capacity culvert plant, and has been running Hyundai forklifts since 2016. They operate Hyundai 50D, 70D, 80D, 110D, and 130D models.

A truly satisfied customer, Southeast Culvert gave us a positive, powerful testimonial, which we recorded and posted on YouTube. We encourage you to use this video testimonial in your sales and prospecting efforts.

Remember, testimonials are a powerful sales tool. According to BigCommerce, a leading ecommerce platform, 72% of those surveyed say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more. A good testimonial – especially from a relatable source – can build credibility with prospects.

Our goal is to incorporate more and more testimonials into our marketing efforts – and so should you. Here are some guidelines for creating your own effective testimonials:

  • Always reach out to recent clients for their thoughts
  • Pick your best customers to create testimonials
  • Secure testimonials that cover a range of applications
  • Feel free to provide customers with a testimonial outline of what you’d like them to address
  • Keep testimonials solutions-focused
  • Where possible, give quantifiable, tangible results (e.g., more uptime, lower costs, greater operator satisfaction)
  • Video testimonials can be particularly effective and be sure to post them on your website and on YouTube