
May 2024


HD New Branding

If you haven’t begun using our new branding, especially our new logo, now’s the time. Moving forward, we’re going to be promoting the Hyundai brand as never before, and the key to building awareness is consistency in brand usage.

That applies not just to our marketing efforts, but to yours as well – plus, your signage, vehicles, websites, advertising, and forms.

Our new branding is part of a Hyundai global effort to help better communicate the uniqueness and mission of the Hyundai brand.  And we’ll be highlighting our new branding in all of Hyundai’s marketing resources – from our websites to new brochures.

We want to make certain that when a prospect sees our ads and then visits our website or yours, that they see a consistency in the brand and branding message.


So, if you haven’t updated the Hyundai branding yet, be sure to do it now.

To understand the meaning of our new branding, check out the special web page we created.  It reveals the meaning behind our new logo and brand colors.  There are also downloads for fonts, and our corporate and product logos.

For detailed information on how to incorporate our new branding into your advertising, signage, vehicles, and more, download our new Visual Identity Guidelines.

By speaking with one voice, we can keep building the Hyundai Material Handling brand as we drive your sales and profits.